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Discover Tokyo Skytree from various angles. 10 unique angles of the Skytree to satisfy your curiosity and capture the perfect shot of this iconic landmark.

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Discover amazing photo spots in Japan. LensTokyo gives you all the information you will need to capture incredible pictures while in Japan. Become a member and browse all above spots and 100+ more unique locations.

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LensTokyo is your go-to travel guide for discovering unique travel spots in Japan, including both well-known locations and hidden gems. Check out the spots we recommend above and get ready for an unforgettable photo adventure in Japan.


Tokyo Skytree was built in 2012 and is the second tallest structure after Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It is not considered a ‘‘building’’ because a percentage of the Skytree is not inhabitable, hence is not included in the list of ‘‘tallest buildings in the world’’. It was designed to be a broadcasting and telecommunications ‘‘tower’’. The Skytree is the centerpiece of an urban development called Tokyo Skytree Town, other attractions in this development are a shopping center, an aquarium and a planetarium.

The Skytree is located in a comparatively suburban area and hence it stands out drastically in height when viewed together with its surrounding. At its base, the structure takes the shape of an equilateral triangle but as the tower tapers, the cross section gradually becomes circular, a shape that helps for wind loading. During the night it is illuminated by thousands of LEDs creating a spectacle to see. Here are some secret and well-known spots to take a picture of this magnificent tower.

Pro Tip: We know how important color is for Instagrammers to build a consistent profile feed. When taking pictures of the Skytree one thing that will come in handy is the lighting schedule so you know what color it’ll light up on a specific day. Here you can check the schedule for the next three days so be sure to check the schedule before venturing out!



We have named this spot the comparison spot because this spot allows you to see just how much the Skytree stands out compared to its surrounding. Hence, not just solely having the Skytree as the point of interest you can contextualize and compare the Skytree with its surrounding from this spot. As seen in the picture above, most of the buildings that surround the Skytree are less than 15 floors in height. The Skytree’s height is visually enhanced when put against the other buildings.

The location is on top of a shopping mall. The rooftop of the shopping mall closes at 7pm everyday so make sure you arrive in time. This is probably the best spot to take a picture of the Skytree in its entirety. Tripods are allowed which makes it very easy to get an awesome shot.

From this vantage point, it is clear just how much the Tokyo Skytree is bigger than its surrounding. The roof top where we took this picture has an unobstructed view of the Skytree from a close proximity.



If you are looking for a unique way to take a picture of the Skytree, this spot is for you. Stand out against the hundreds of pictures of the tower. The picture is taken from inside a building not too far from the Skytree.

The triangular opening of the building compliment the shape of the Skytree, pulling your focus to the outside and to the tower. You should have a telephoto lens or a mid-range lens for this picture. Tripods cannot be used inside this building.

The reflections of the tower on the right via a mirror and the geometrical shapes in the picture make this an artistic way to take a picture of the Skytree. You will have to lower your camera below the waists to get the tower’s tip into the picture. We took this picture on a day with clear blue sky.



This location is also popular on Instagram. The location is located very close to the Skytree and can be accessed by foot. During the night, the poles in the foreground light up from below. During the day, the poles have the same color as the Skytree. An interesting location where the compositions of poles against the Skytree are countless.

During the day the pole shines white like the Skytree. It is fun moving your camera to compose the poles and the tower as you like. During the night, the poles are lit up from below by a flood light. The colors change everyday according to the colors of the Skytree.



This shot is taken from a pedestrian island right in the middle of a junction. The unique point about this location is not only does this spot has a good vantage of the Skytree but there are sunflowers on this island. Like seen in the below picture, having the sunflowers in the foreground can add a unique aspect in your pictures. Please note that the sunflowers are not there during the winters, but including some light trails into your picture rather than the sunflowers would work nice too.

During the summers this spot has a bed of sunflowers. The unobstructed view of the Skytree from this spot would make you spend a couple of minutes taking pictures here.



We have named this location number one because it is one of the only two streets where the Skytree is visible till its base from afar. The number two location is next on this list. The difference of the two streets is that number one is on the north side of Skytree while the number two is on the south side.

Above picture was taken mid-way on this street. And the below pictures were taken at the end of the street. The number one street has a lot of electrical wiring giving it a chaotic look apt for the streets of Tokyo. The Skytree at the end covers the frame, perfectly depicting the scale and presence it shares in this area.

The chaotic electrical wiring you see a lot in dense Asian cities are in Tokyo too. What’s different is the huge Skytree in the background. The color palette of Tokyo is infused in this picture. The below picture was taken half an hour before sunset.



The number two location is on the south side of the Skytree. Compared to number one the location has less electrical wires blocking the view of the Skytree. The buildings are slightly taller and the road wider. The Skytree does not align perfectly with the street but if you go further down the street the difference is so minute that its not noticeable.

Below picture was taken mid-way on the street while the below picture was take at the very end of the street. The numbers 30 on the road makes the above picture more dynamic and adds flavor to the picture. This spot is also great during sunsets as the sun sets in the direction the camera is facing. There is a stairs that goes up at the end of this street which if you climb can give you a better view of the street and the Skytree.

Down the same road as the previous pictures, at the end of road you get a straight line view of the Skytree. At the end of the road there is a stairs that elevates you a few meters higher where the vantage is even better.

The speed limit 30 stands out in this picture. Including the 30 makes this spot even more photogenic. The narrow roads around the Skytree are usually one way.



This is technically two different spots but because the two spots are very close by, we have summed them up into one spot. There are basically two different bridges that run over this river. The above picture was taken on the bridge that is closer to the Skytree while the below two pictures were taken on the bridge one road down. Both bridges run over the same river.

This spot is famous for photographers and instagrammers, so whenever you go, especially before sunset, there are bound to be more photographers with set up tripods waiting for the perfect lighting. For this reason we recommended going here well before the sunset to get the best position.

Taken during sunset on a day with clear blue sky. Because this is a popular spot, there are always people with tripods stationed at the best spot during sunset. Taken at the same time as the picture on the left but with different exposure. The above picture was exposed for the sky, creating a silhouette of the skyline.



This spot is a well hidden secret in Tokyo. While many locals might know the spot on the bridge mentioned earlier on the list, they do not know this spot. The shot was taken from a pedestrian bridge. Although the base of the Skytree might be blocked from this location, the location has a wider view of the environment so you can include some light trails of cars passing by. Capturing the reflection of the Skytree on the river is beautiful too. And because there are more greenery it ends up being a more vibrant picture.

The river acts as a leading line towards the Skytree. The colors cast at this spot during sunset is mesmerizing. During a clear sky the colors cast at this spot are very beautiful. The purple sunset sky, the green and the blue from the streets lights create a great ambience for the perfect picture.



This spot is very close to the Skytree hence you will be looking up to the Skytree when taking a picture. It is a nice spot if you want to take close up detailed shots of the Skytree. The location is on a rooftop of low height building.

It is a very romantic space with no crowd. There are places to sit and relax too as shown in the picture below. The rooftop closes at 8pm so make sure to get there in time before it closes. Tripods are allowed.



This is a perfect spot of long exposure night photography with the Skytree. With the Skytree at a distant, the serenity of the water and spaced out buildings, it almost does not look like Tokyo. It shows Tokyo in a different perspective, proving just how vast and diverse the cityscape of this metropolitan city is.

There are boats that pass through this area and under the bridge. A lot of creativity with the light trails can be experimented here. The shot was taken on another bridge but there is also a park next to it. Few different compositions of the Skytree is possible here and tripods are allowed.

As the park where this picture was taken is located in the corner of two rivers, it has a great vantage point where you see the spread river in front and the Skytree in the background. One river flows to the left and the other to the right of this picture.

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